Governance & Safe Sport

Tools to aid best practices in managing your sport governance and management systems.

Governance and Safe Sports Tools

Safeguarding & Safe Sports

Tracking required certification, credentials and qualifications.  Safe Sport certification, background checks, criminal record checks and other qualifications.

Compliance and Reporting

Members can upload required documents that demonstrate they are compliant and have completed the training and certification required to work with children and vulnerable people.

Club administrators and administrators from regional / national governing bodies can view, report on and manage people’s certifications.

Certification Reminders
  • Multiple automatic emails reminders (configurable) to notify individuals in advance of certification expiring and reminding people that they are required to renew their certification (scaled up in urgency).
  • System verifies that individuals are compliant and using best practice to ensure only appropriately certified people are working with youths and vulnerable people.

Incident / Injury / Concussion Management

A new module used by Rugby Canada.  Used to record and track an incident, attached to an athletes profile. Manage approval mechanisms and return to play protocols

Incident / Injury Management

Learning Management System (LMS)

Manage your Training and Coaching Courses, track and manage Qualifications & Credentials.

Full suite of tools to assess and track continuous professional development of your coaches, officials, and volunteers.  The system is integrated with Membership, Events and online payments.

Coaching and Training Courses
  • Event Administrator/Learning co-ordinator can set dates, times, venue, numbers, status, requirements, credentials, qualifications and more (maximum flexibility).
  • Assign tutors to training events.
  • Attendance records can be recorded by Tutor.
  • Coaching / training events (and course content) can be made available to public or ‘restricted’ to registered/priortised members/participants.
  • Certification can be awarded for attendance or for passing of exams.
  • Accreditation can be attached to attendee (expiration dates can be attached to accreditation).
  • Email Notifications to members and administrators informing them of lapsing accreditation.
  • Restrictions on who can attend training events – e.g. Member must be qualified to level X before they can attend to Level Y event etc.
  • Caters for Wait Lists
  • Accept payments to attend events.
Credentials and Qualifications
  • Offers members the ability to self-sign up and pay for training courses.
  • Set parameters around what membership category can sign up to which courses i.e. coach only.
  • Create courses and specify what rewards the member achieves after passing the course i.e. certificate of attendance.
  • Allow members to review what qualifications they have gained, what credentials are required to go to the next level and when the next courses are scheduled.
  • Allow only certified members to take advanced courses.
  • Allow members to upload their own credentials to the system and administrators can approve these credentials.
  • Create/set-up tutors who can track and can assign results to their participants.
  • Set ‘Wait lists’ for oversubscribed courses and offer priority sign up to specified members.

Management Dashboard, understand your sport (Business intelligence)

In-platform Management Dashboard (graphical interface). All types of graphs / charts around membership, participation and revenues.  Supports corporate performance management.

Choose your report/graphs

View data graphically by region, gender, age, categories, numbers, dates, season,  year etc.

The data and graph images can be printed or exported to excel or a PDF.


There are 300+ reports already in the system.  Users at all levels of the organisation can report on a huge variety of parameters.  Users can report on almost all data points within the system.

SportLoMo invest in Canadian Servers to serve our Canadian and North America Markets.

SportLoMo invest in Canadian Servers to serve our Canadian and North America Markets.


More Tools…..

Take Donations Online

Fans, ex-pats, ex-players can support your organisation by easily making a donation.  Simple to setup.

Module is free to our customers.

Attendance Tracking /Health Attestations / Concussion Management

 Additional Modules which are free of charge to our users.

Clubs, Events and tournament sanctioning

Sanctioning is a core module (integrated), it can route information for approval across your organisation. Routes info for approval, recording, communicating and reporting. Sanction events, tours, travel teams, clubs, affiliates etc.  Each step is date stamped, what was approved and by whom.

API Integrations

Receive API’s from external Learning Management Systems and from Government safeguarding agencies.  Currently integrated with Stripe, QlikSense, NSCI (USA), GainLine, Lineout, Docebo etc. In Canada The Locker and Sterling Backcheck

Live data to your website

Live API’s of scores, game schedules, tables, standings, stats, and team rosters to the Parent Sport’s website*

*You must be using Competition Management module.

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Leverage Years of Development Assets

SportLoMo are often able to accelerate onboarding by sharing everything from knowledge and lessons learned from other implementations and across our various sports. We understand the challenges of implementing a new system and securing ‘buy-in’ from all levels within an organisation.

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One Platform, One Solution – no third party software bolt on’s

Reduce cost by managing all your governance on the one platform. One of our sports has replaced four programs with our system.