Competition, Tournament & Game Management

Competition / Game / Event Scheduler

Create Season / Tournament in minutes

Live Scoring / Tables / Standings / Rankings

Game Stats, Athlete Stats, Leaderboard

Electronic Team Rosters / Panels

Injury, Concussion & Incidents Module

Transfers and Approvals

Referee / Game Officials Assigning & Management

Scoreboard App and Game Management App

Membership Cards

Tournament Management

Business Management/Intelligence Dashboard

CLUBS MODULE (standalone)

Our Game and Competition Management is at the core of our platform (not an add-on)

Many sports use content management systems and the collection and input of data is often manual and doesn’t integrate or share well across modules. Not so with SportLoMo! Highly configurable / flexible functionality.

Integrated with Membership, Registration, Events and Game Assignments & Scoreboard / Management app....

Competition management is integrated with membership, events, safeguarding, governance and learning management.

Also integrated with Referee / Officials Assignment and our Game Management and Scoreboard apps.  i.e. Live scores, realtime game schedules, standings / tables direct to your own app. (Must be using SportLoMo for Competition Management).

Game & events stats, player & athlete stats and team rosters all integrated with registration / membership

Numerous stats, rankings, leaderboard, positions, scores, points, timings, cards, electronic team panels / rosters…   Manage conference, division, grade, schools and underage.

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Player & Game Stats

  • Records, tracks and manages player stats, positions, scores, assists, points, timings, cards, infringements down to individual level (linked with membership).
  • Calculates and auto-publishes leaderboards and rankings to your website (api’s).

Electronic Team Rosters

  • Create electronic team / panel / rosters for individual games and events
  • SportLoMo tracks athlete / participant and auto-links their playing / performing history to their individual record.
  • Option to publish rosters to your websites (API feeds).

Competition and Participation Data Intelligence

  • Competition and participation data linked to player and games, gives detailed overview of participation levels across club, region, association & NGB.
  • Display data by graphs, charts and management dashboard.

The European Games, Rugby Sevens was run on SportLoMo’s Tournament Module.

Kraków, Poland June/July 2023 |The third edition of the European Games.  SportLoMo’s Tournament module was used to manage fixtures, group phase / knockouts, finishing positions, team sheets, panels, scores and discipline.

European Games and SportLoMo

The European Rugby Sevens at the European Games was run on SportLoMo's Tournament module in Kraków

Referee, Umpire & Officials Assignment

Are you fed up organizing your sport by hopping from one software program to another? Do you find yourself using a game scheduling program, google calendar, text messages, updating scores manually? Running expenses in excel?

Sportlomo shares data across one platform, reducing your workload and making your administration more efficient.

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  • Auto-creates game and season schedules
  • View availability / unavailability to officiate at games
  • No double or duplicate bookings of officials
  • Assign your officials to games, the system automatically notifies them of their assignment
  • Tracks and flags officials game level / event level restrictions
  • Assign roles, grades, credentials and qualifications, flags officials qualifications if not at correct level to officiate a game/event.
  • Sends out pre-timed reminders to officials of their game assignments i.e. 1 day before
  • Scores are returned by official scorekeepers by App (only recognises approved persons)
  • Return team rosters electronically (integrated)
  • Link officials to clubs, share referees / officials across a region
  • Officials record their own expenses, reports, discipline, infringements
  • Print labels for Referee Cards direct from system
  • Auto-publish official’s data to your website (API’s)
  • Communicate directly with officials with notifications module.
  • Track and view all games officiated

Incident / Injury / Concussion Management

A new module used by Rugby Canada. Used to record and track an incident, attached to an athletes profile. Manage approval mechanisms and return to play protocols

Incident / Injury Management

Living Scoring on App, Game Management App and Scoreboard App

Live Scores, realtime game / event schedules, auto-calculates standings /tables direct to your personalised App (must be using SportLoMo for Competition Management).  Also get realtime data by API’s to your website.

SportLoMo Apps and Communications.

More integrated tools

game / Event / tournament scheduler

Automated scheduler and role assignment. Create seasons, events, races and tournaments in minutes. Select templates, create your own, edit schedules, set parameters, rules and summary reports (configurable).

Attendance tracking module

Attendance Tracking / Concussion Management / Return to play protocols  and Health Attestations.

injuries, discipline and infringements

Case and incident management and reporting. Attach discipline / Infraction records to members. Email notifications (automated) to notify key people as incident is recorded. Incidents can be attached to game/event or training. Widely used for managing concussion events.

Member / registration card

Cards can be auto-generated and printed. Setup a template to display relevant info. Include player image, expiration date, DOB, member category, qualifications, accreditation etc.  The data is linked to the individual’s record across all modules.

Live competition data to your website

Your website can receive live schedules, scores, stats, tables, standings, team rosters by API from SportLoMo Competition Management*  The API’s come free with our websites.

*You must be using our Competition Management module.

In-platform Management Dashboard

Management graphical interface for business intelligence. Users can select various filters to view various graphs across membership, participation and revenues.  View by region, gender, age, categories, dates, season, year etc…  Export data & graphs to excel or PDF’s.


SportLoMo provide Club Services to our sports in USA, Canada, Europe, Ireland, UK, Hong Kong, Emirates, Australia and New Zealand.

Clubs can use SportLoMo independently of their parent sports body.


One Platform, One Solution – no third party software bolt on’s

Reduce cost by managing all your administration on the one platform.