lastest news
News, new sportlomo features, new customers, featured websites, registration portals….
Flash new hockey website…. Munster Hockey
Munster hockey is the Governing Body for hockey in the south of Ireland. Nice new field hockey...
Attendance Tracking / Contact Tracing (New Module)
**New** Attendance Tracking / Contact Tracing / Return to Play Protocols / Manage Vaccines Record,...
SportLoMo recruits during Pandemic
SportLoMo continues to grow steadily as it prepares for the reopening of Sport. Read Newspaper...
Lifting Covid Restrictions
SportLoMo are actively working with our customers Preparing for the lifting of Covid-19...
Volleyball BC and SportLoMo Implementation
Volleyball BC provides recreational and competitive volleyball programs in British Columbia,...
Welcome to Hong Kong Hockey
Hong Kong Hockey Association signed partnership with SportLomo. Hockey Hong Kong will use...