Apps & Communication
SportLoMo has three apps, the SportLoMo App, Game Management App (officials only) and a Personalized League/Association App (Scoreboard). All App data is official, accurate and in realtime.

The SportLoMo
Mobile App
App available to registered individuals on the system. i.e. members / players
To use the app you must have a membership account with your sports organization. Users must have a user account to login.
The SportLoMo mobile app is available to registered players, coaches, parents and club admins. See IOS & Play Store links below. The app includes a range of different features with the intention of making your sport as simple as possible to manage and keep up to date with.
- App Features:
- Check your club fixtures and results through the app and add your favourite teams and competitions to your favourites for quick and easy access!
- Use the app chat feature to keep up to date with your team; receive messages and event invites from coaches.
- As a coach, you can send attendance requests for training and different club events through the chat feature. Easily keep count of who can and cannot attend.
- As a coach, record player attendance for different events or training sessions in our ‘teams’ section of the app.
- Register and pay for club memberships.
- Keep up to date with your clubs news through the app news feature!
- Improvements and new features will be added on a continuous basis.
- App is available on both Android and IOS app stores – links below.
SportLoMo Game Management App – official use only
Game Management App is restricted to registered Game Officials i.e. referees / umpires etc.
To use the app you must be setup on the SportLoMo system by your Games Co-ordinator / Referee Association. App users must have a valid user account to login. Contact your co-ordinator for more info on becoming a user.
Referee, Umpire, Game Officials App. The app only accepts / recognizes data from approved admin, referees, umpires and team managers. This ensures ‘accurate and official’ data to your app (no gaps in your scoring system).
- Assign Game officials, Referees, Umpires to games, events, races etc.
- Auto-notify individuals of assignments / roles by app and emails.
- Officials accept / reject assignments and view their upcoming assignment (games) schedule.
- Officials return scores, cards, infringements, stats & match reports.
- Officials can record Player and Officials Game Incidents
- Create match reports and add attachments with them.

Personalized Apps for Association, League and National Governing Organizations (Scorboard App)

Sports can offer brands the opportunity to sponsor their Personalized Scoreboard App
The Scoreboard app can generate revenue for a sport. The app puts a Brand into the ‘Pocket’ of supporters. Ideal opportunity for a brand to connect with individuals at a local level by providing league’s and associations with their own personalized live scoring app which displays useful data for fans. The App is accurate and all data is official.
- Live scoring, up to the minute Game Schedules.
- Tables / Standings are calculated and displayed in realtime.
- Receive Score Notifications for your favourite team.
- View Team Rosters / Team Line outs / Panels before a game on app.
- Save your favourite club, team, competitions for quick look up.

communicate with all stakeholders
SportLoMo has an integrated email, notifications, website & app system.
Facilitates individual, group and automated communications
Communication is integrated across the platform and used by all layers of the organization from National Governing Body level to clubs. Communication functionality can be enabled for all/part of your users (permissions) including marketing / opt out.
Layered Communications
Clubs can only contact their members; regional admin can contact all members in clubs affiliated to their region, provinces contact provincial members and head office can contact all members.
Security and Privacy
Our communications comply with anti-spam laws e.g. opt out of emails, flag individuals who opt out, exclude persons etc.
Data Communications
Results, Scores, tables, Standings, stats, game schedule communicated to interested individuals by twitter/API feed to website and automated emails.
Already know what you are looking for?
Contact us for a chat, more information or a demo.